Smart Bear Implementation Guide
0.3.2 - ci-build

Smart Bear Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.3.2). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: HearingAidProperty Code System

Official URL: Version: 0.3.2
Active as of 2023-08-01 Computable Name: HearingAidProperty

HearingAidProperty vocabolary

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

property-set Hearing Aid Property SetCode for the “parent” Observation to reference a set of component Observations.
mute-status Mute StatusCode for Observation containing mute status of the hearing aid. In Device this is represented by statusReason=paused.
main-volume VolumeMain volume setting of the hearing aid
main-program Selected ProgramMain program setting of the hearing aid
time-since-boot Time Since BootTime since last boot in seconds.
total-usage-time Total Usage TimeTotal time device has been used in seconds.
signal-noise-ratio Signal to Noise RatioSignal to Noise Ratio Estimator.
noise-level Noise LevelNoise Level Estimator.
broadband-level Broadband LevelBroadband Level Estimator
rel-location Relative LocationLocation relative to a specified home zone