Smart Bear Implementation Guide
0.3.2 - ci-build

Smart Bear Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.3.2). See the Directory of published versions

Questionnaire: FESQuestionnaire

Official URL: Version: 0.3.2
Draft as of 2023-08-01 Computable Name: FESQuestionnaire
LinkIdTextCardinalityTypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. FESQuestionnaireQuestionnaire
... 0Cleaning the house (e.g. sweep, vacuum or dust)1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 1Getting dressed or undressed1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 2Preparing simple meals1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 3Taking a bath or shower1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 4Going to the shop1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 5Getting in or out of a chair1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 6Going up or down stairs1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 7Walking around in the neighbourhood1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 8Reaching for something above your head or on the ground1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 9Going to answer the telephone before it stops ringing1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 10Walking on a slippery surface (e.g. wet or icy)1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 11Visiting a friend or relative1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 12Walking in a place with crowds1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 13Walking on an uneven surface (e.g. rocky ground, poorly maintained pavement)1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 14Walking up or down a slope1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 15Going out to a social event(e.g. religious service, family gathering or club meeting)1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... scorenull1..1integer

doco Documentation for this format

Option Sets

Answer options for 0

  • 1
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  • 3
  • 4

Answer options for 1

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Answer options for 2

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Answer options for 3

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Answer options for 4

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Answer options for 5

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Answer options for 6

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Answer options for 7

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Answer options for 8

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Answer options for 9

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Answer options for 10

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Answer options for 11

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Answer options for 12

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Answer options for 13

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Answer options for 14

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Answer options for 15

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