Smart Bear Implementation Guide
0.3.2 - ci-build

Smart Bear Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.3.2). See the Directory of published versions

Questionnaire: MBESTQuestionnaire

Official URL: Version: 0.3.2
Draft as of 2023-08-01 Computable Name: MBESTQuestionnaire
LinkIdTextCardinalityTypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. MBESTQuestionnaireQuestionnaire
... 0SIT TO STAND. Instruction: Cross your arms across your chest. Try not to use your hands unless you must. Do not let your legs lean against the back of the chair when you stand. Please stand up now.1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 1RISE TO TOES. Instruction: Place your feet shoulder width apart. Place your hands on your hips. Try to rise as high as you can onto your toes. I will count out loud to 3 seconds. Try to hold this pose for at least 3 seconds. Look straight ahead. Rise now.1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 2STAND ON ONE LEG. Instruction: Look straight ahead. Keep your hands on your hips. Lift your leg off of the ground behind you without touching or resting your raised leg upon your other standing leg. Stay standing on one leg as long as you can. Look straight ahead. Lift now. Left: Time in Seconds Trial 1:_____Trial 2:_____1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 3STAND ON ONE LEG. Instruction: Look straight ahead. Keep your hands on your hips. Lift your leg off of the ground behind you without touching or resting your raised leg upon your other standing leg. Stay standing on one leg as long as you can. Look straight ahead. Lift now. Right: Time in Seconds Trial 1:_____Trial 2:_____1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 4COMPENSATORY STEPPING CORRECTION-FORWARD. Instruction: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms at your sides. Lean forward against my hands beyond your forward limits. When I let go, do whatever is necessary, including taking a step, to avoid a fall.1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 5COMPENSATORY STEPPING CORRECTION- BACKWARD. Instruction: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms at your sides. Lean backward against my hands beyond your backward limits. When I let go, do whatever is necessary, including taking a step, to avoid a fall.1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 6COMPENSATORY STEPPING CORRECTION- LATERAL. Instruction: Stand with your feet together, arms down at your sides. Lean into my hand beyond your sideways limit. When I let go, do whatever is necessary, including taking a step, to avoid a fall. Left1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 7COMPENSATORY STEPPING CORRECTION- LATERAL. Instruction: Stand with your feet together, arms down at your sides. Lean into my hand beyond your sideways limit. When I let go, do whatever is necessary, including taking a step, to avoid a fall. Right1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 8STANCE (FEET TOGETHER);EYES OPEN,FIRM SURFACE. Instruction: Place your hands on your hips. Place your feet together until almost touching. Look straight ahead. Be as stable and still as possible, until I say stop.1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 9STANCE (FEET TOGETHER); EYES CLOSED, FOAM SURFACE. Instruction: Step onto the foam. Place your hands on your hips. Place your feet together until almost touching. Be as stable and still as possible, until I say stop.I will start timing when you close your eyes. Time in seconds1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 10INCLINE- EYES CLOSED. Instruction: Step onto the incline ramp. Please stand on the incline ramp with your toes toward the top. Place your feet shoulder width apart and have your arms down at your sides. I will start timing when you close your eyes.1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 11CHANGE IN GAIT SPEED. Instruction: Begin walking at your normal speed, when I tell you fast, walk as fast as you can. When I say slow, walk very slowly.1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 12WALK WITH HEAD TURNS–HORIZONTAL. Instruction: Begin walking at your normal speed, when I say right, turn your head and look to the right. When I say left turn your head and look to the left. Try to keep yourself walking in a straight line.1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 13WALK WITH PIVOT TURNS. Instruction: Begin walking at your normal speed. When I tell you to turn and stop, turn as quickly as you can, face the opposite direction, and stop. After the turn,your feet should be close together.1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 14STEP OVER OBSTACLES. Instruction: Begin walking at your normal speed. When you get to the box, step over it, not around it and keep walking.1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 15TIMED UP & GO WITH DUAL TASK [3 METER WALK]. Instruction TUG: When I say Go, stand up from chair, walk at your normal speed across the tape on the floor, turn around, and come back to sit in the chair. Instruction TUG with Dual Task: Count backwards by threes starting at ___. When I say Go, stand up from chair, walk at your normal speed across the tape on the floor, turn around, and come back to sit in the chair. Continue counting backwards the entire time.1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... scorenull1..1integer

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