Smart Bear Implementation Guide
0.3.2 - ci-build

Smart Bear Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.3.2). See the Directory of published versions

Questionnaire: RGAQuestionnaire

Official URL: Version: 0.3.2
Draft as of 2023-08-01 Computable Name: RGAQuestionnaire
LinkIdTextCardinalityTypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. RGAQuestionnaireQuestionnaire
... 0Fatigue: Are you fatigued?1..1integerOptions: 2 options
... 1Resistance: Cannot walk up one flight of stairs?1..1integerOptions: 2 options
... 2Aerobic: Cannot walk one block?1..1integerOptions: 2 options
... 3Illnesses: Do you have more than 5 illnesses?1..1integerOptions: 2 options
... 4Loss of weight: Have you lost more than 5% of your weight in the last 6 months?1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 5How much difficulty do you have in lifting and carrying 10 pounds?1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 6How much difficulty do you have walking across a room?1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 7How much difficulty do you have transferring from a chair or bed?1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 8How much difficulty do you have climbing a flight of ten stairs?1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 9How many times have you fallen in the last year?1..1integerOptions: 3 options
... 10 My appetite is1..1integerOptions: 5 options
... 11Food tastes1..1integerOptions: 5 options
... 12When I eat1..1integerOptions: 5 options
... 13Normally I eat1..1integerOptions: 5 options
... 14Please remember these five objects. I will ask you what they are later.[Read each object to patient using approx. 1 second intervals.] Apple Pen Tie House Car0..1integer
... 15[Give patient pencil and the blank sheet with clock face.] This is a clock face. Please put in the hour markers and the time at ten minutes to eleven o’clock1..1integerOptions: 4 options
... 16What were the five objects I asked you to remember?1..1integerOptions: 5 options
... 17I’m going to tell you a story. Please listen carefully because afterwards, I’m going to ask you about it.Jill was a very successful stockbroker. She made a lot of money on the stock market. She then met Jack, a devastatingly handsome man. She married him and had three children. They lived in Chicago. She then topped work and stayed at home to bring up her children. When they were teenagers, she went back to work. She and Jack lived happily ever after.What state did she live in?1..1integerOptions: 2 options
... frailScorenull1..1integer
... sarcopeniaScorenull1..1integer
... snaqScorenull1..1integer
... RCSnull1..1integer

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